Women + Nature

By Books

Women everywhere are searching for answers to better support their wellbeing and find balance in their lives. But what if there were a solution? One that improves our physical and mental health while also strengthening our relationships, our sense of community and our purpose. Women’s health naturopath Emma Drady has assembled the communal wisdom of women around the world to unearth the missing piece of the puzzle: our connection with nature.

From nature drawing and finding a sit spot, to cold-water immersion and plant meditation – tried and tested by the diverse range of women featured here – help boost happiness, calm the nervous system and reduce stress. By connecting more with nature, you will connect with yourself.

About the Author:
Emma Drady (B HlthSc) is a naturopath working in the complementary health industry. She treats women of various ages, cultures and backgrounds to help them achieve their health goals with the use of herbal medicine, wholefood nutrition and lifestyle advice. Emma has a deep understanding of the science behind plants, the functions of the human body, and the relationship between lifestyle and how it impacts our health. Her passion for nature and supporting women have driven her to write this book.

ISBN: 9781760763688
ISBN-10: 1760763683
Audience: General
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 176
Published: 26th September 2023
Publisher: Thames & Hudson Australia Pty Ltd
Country of Publication: AU
Dimensions (cm): 25.7 x 19.5  x 2.2
Weight (kg): 0.82